Welcome to RHSC Members Only Resources

Note: This area of the Society's website is reserved for members of the Royal Heraldry Society of Canada.

Welcome to the Society's members only area of the website. In order to gain access to this material, you must enter your assigned UserID and password into the login form below. If you are not already a member, please consider joining the society and fill out the membership application form. If you are already a member of the Society, and wish to be assigned your UserID and password, click==> <== to notify the webmaster (English).

This area is in continual evolution, as more material becomes available and included in this invaluable resource. If you are aware of other material on the Internet which would be suitable as an addition to this online resource, please contact the .

 RHSC members only login


Released: September 2, 2005 / Last modified: Sep 26, 2017